I am pleased to announce that as of September 1st, my historic American Songline tour along the Lincoln Highway is officially complete! In almost six months of touring, I performed 30 shows (plus some impromptu ones) in various venues along the Lincoln Highway. My car is full of things collected along the highway, and my mind is overflowing with so many memories of this time on the road. The next steps of writing the book and music for the album are starting to take form, so watch this blog for more posts and announcements this year!
A few people have asked me how I feel about reaching this accomplishment, and I have to admit it’s pretty bittersweet. While I’m relieved that I get to see my husband and cat again (I’ve missed them both so much) as well also being relieved that I don’t have to juggle so many balls in the air anymore, I also will miss being on the road. There’s been so many amazing people and places I’ve seen, I wish I could take it all with me.
I mentioned in Social Media posts over the weekend that I had a special announcement for all of the folks who attended the Livermore, California concert on Saturday. Now I’m sharing this announcement with all of you (see full text below after the picture):
Dated September 3rd, 2013 (Today, the first business day after the tour) from The City and County of San Francisco
Certificate of Honor Presented To Cecelia Otto
“Whereas, on behalf of the City and County of San Francisco, I am pleased to recognize and honor Cecelia Otto for her recent cross-country journey to commemorate the Lincoln Highway’s Centennial. When the Lincoln Highway was built in 1913, linking the east and west coasts, it served as a lifeline of commerce and culture in the communities through which it passed. Your musical journey along the Lincoln Highway, An American Songline, has brought this tradition back to life and brought joy to many across the country. Congratulations on the success of An American Songline and best of luck in all of your future endeavors!
Therefore, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City and County of San Francisco to be affixed.
(Signature) Edwin M. Lee, Mayor”
I have to admit, I was pretty surprised and floored by this document. While my behind-the-scenes PR man Dan reached out to them, we didn’t know if the Mayor’s office would actually issue the proclamation until literally the day before the concert. It honestly didn’t hit me that this tour was going to be over until the moment I had this paper in hand and was reading it out loud to myself. I still stare at it now, and can’t believe this all has happened.
The next stage of this project officially starts now, and I want to thank all of you who have been along for the ride. I’m looking forward to sharing my stories of the road in song and in words, and I hope to see you all again very soon!
Congratulations Cece! What an accomplishment! It has been so fun to follow you along your journey! :-D
Congratulations! I’m so happy for you. :-) Good luck with your next steps as well.
Goal/Mission Accomplished! Congratulations on the Mayor’s accolade as well – the journey was long. . . the music was beautiful. . . the memories are forever. Stay in touch my friend!
Congratulations! You had a dream, you worked towards that dream, accomplished it and did it in a big way! You totally deserve this acknowledgement. I am super proud to know you!!! Can’t wait to hear what’s next.